Classic mountain stone house with flat roof and close-fitting stones |
 Houses amid boulders with the backdrop of a steep mountain face |
 Wind blown dust has filled one of the grinding stone holes that are present in front of most houses |
 Even the chicken coops are well built with traditional techniques |
 Typical complement of buildings: chicken coops (foreground), yanz (storage building rear right) and human shelter (right) |
 House with overhanging roof |
 Not uncommon for a house to be built around an exposed boulder |
 An oven -- tannour oven -- with many layers of mud lining visible |
 Another view of the oven, located just outside the courtyard of this family's buildings |
 Stones piled in the doorway to discourage intruders |
 Brien photographing one of the stone houses |
 Detail of house construction showing doorway and ventilation holes |
 Another view of the ventilation holes; some cooking was done inside and smoke was a problem |
 Doorway (right) and stoop (left) |
 View of house showing gravel roof to drain rainfall and insulate interior |
 Another view of this family's complex of houses |
 This room does not appear to have had a roof; wall is also narrow suggesting animal shelter |
 Trees were a common feature in each courtyard; note the fine construction on the corner of the house |
 There is no electrical service to the community; "storm lamps" provided illumination |
 Storage building (yanz) located on top of one of the boulders |
 A general view of the courtyard of this family compound (houses, animal pen, chicken coops) |
 Another view of the same family compound |
 Another view (moving right to left) of the same family compound |
 Another view (moving to the left) of the same compound |
 Still moving to the left, looking down the slope at other houses |
 A solitary house below the photographed family compound |
 View from the settlement area down onto the main wadi bed of Wadi Sha'am |
 Continuing to move to the left, a view of the wadi bed |
 The track leading to Farij al Sili |
 Some houses show signs of neglect |
 Some owners have renovated the old stone houses; this has a fresh coat of sarouj |
 Last in series of photographs showing 180-degree view from the family compound |
 Pot sherds are plentiful showing a long period of continuous occupation, ending a generation or less ago |
 Stone house with stone work not as fine as evident on other buildings |
 Neglect and time has caused several buildings' roofs to collapse |
 Part of a storage box? |
 Note the fine workmanship of the roof |
 Another view of the precise workmanship of the house roof |
 One of the doorways leading to a family compound |
 One this house, the living quarters are on the right, the kitchen the small room extending to the left |
 It is difficult to imagine how some areas were used |
 Evidence how one of the substantial building walls (left) have been damaged |
 A view of the rear (outside exposure) of a house |
 Another view of the same house |
 View of the same house from a different vantage point |
 Looking over the top of a housing unit to the community beyond |
 Storage building (yanz) with door only partially sealed |
 An oven where the mud lining has begun to collapse |
 View of storage building and rear of house, oven located to the left of the photo |
 Chicken coop? |
 Roof beams have collapsed in this shelter, roof material (gravel, matting) on the floor |
 Interior of a home; timbers used as roof beams, not palm trunks |
 Roof beams are placed very close together |
 View from interior of doorway |
 View from interior of sunlight penetrating stone wall |
 Walls included many small storage niches |
 Kitchen area with hearth on left, storage niches built into wall, soot-stained rock and ceiling |
 Another view of the kitchen |
 Detail of the soot-stained roof beams |
 View of the kitchen from inside the main house |
 View from interior through one of the rare windows |
 Wall peg for hanging valuables |
 View of ventilation holes in kitchen area |
 View through door of living area to sheltered "corridor" beyond |
 Soot-filled are filled the houses making life difficult and posing health problems for women |
 Broken storage pot |
 Doorway and roof overhang |
 Collapsed roof and yanz in distance |
 Doorway leading to kitchen (left) and living area (right) |
 Doorway of this low-profile house is packed with stone |
 Detail of stone-filled doorway |
 Another example of stone-filled doorway |
 Roof overhang of this home is exceptional |
 House showing signs of neglect |
 Chicken coop? |
 Typical view of houses and storage buildings |
 Note the intricate stone work on this yanz |
 Storage buildings typically built on high ground near house |
 Detail of beam timber, wall construction and eave |
 Storage building with partially sealed doorway |
 Roofline is perfectly flat of Sili houses, compared to 'bait khaimah' we see elsewhere in the mountains |
 One of the mosques of Sili |
 Storage building constructed on sloping boulder |
 Houses and boulders in apparent harmony |
 Note how the settlement extends up towards base of the escarpment |
 The settlement of Sili appears to have been occupied until just a few years ago |
 Tannour oven |
 Oven (foreground) and storage building behind |
 View from houses down to some of the terraces that surround the community |
 Roofline of one house |
 Foreground is actually roof of a house |
 View of house (foreground) and animal storage area |
 Large stones were used in the construction of most houses |
 Gravel rooftop |
 Rooftop showing stones that hold eave slabs in place |
 Doorway with wooden, not stone slab, lintel |
 Interior of mosque |
 Interior of mosque with wall storage niche typially to the left of the prayer niche |
 Detail of wall storage niche; note sarouj plastering of interior |
 Roof booms arched to provide more headroom |
 Detail of prayer niche |
 Detail of roof beams showing excellent condition of the timbers |
 Neatly constructed steps leading into the mosque |
 The newly refurbished house |
 House that has evidently been used as a source of building material |
 Interior of abandoned house |
 Open-roof portion of a house |
 Some of the Islamic pottery on the site; these pots may have been produced in Sili |
 Fine door, with lock, of cemented house |
 A rare cemented house |
 Ventilation holes at base of wall suggest this was summer sleeping area |
 Detail of ventilation holes at the base of the wall |
 View from cemented house of yanz and stone house |
 Yanz (right) and chicken coop |
 Doors were often recessed up to one meter |
 Three locks on this door |
 Metal straps reinforce this old door |
 Detail of locks and door construction; note old holes evidence of old locking systems |
 Hand forged nails overlapping the metal strapping of the door |
 Soot-stained upper part of the door and frame |
 The low doorway meant individuals would stoop when entering and exiting the house |
 View of what appears to be an L-shaped house; is actually two family rooms |
 Hole is roof is first sign of failing roof beams |
 Another mosque at Sili |
 Doorway to mosque; note precisely placed stones of foundation |
 Small niches (for sandals?) in front of mosque; outdoor prayer platform on raised level behind |
 Mosque (right) and platform |
 Lower angle view of mosque and platform |
 House with stoop along front of house, below eave |
 Lock on door |
 Another view of lock and repaired door |
 Another view of door |
 Doorway with steps and stoop |
 Brien resting on the stoop; note huge stone lintel for door |
 View along front of house |
 Chicken coop? |
 Retaining wall for one of the terraces; pottery kilns to the right |
 Terraces with storage buildings in distance |
 Mud littered around kilns |
 Mud lining of one of the kilns |
 Sili kilns are more than a meter wide and several meters deep |
 Opening at base is where firewood was fed into the kiln |
 Terracing |
 One of the wells; note placed stone at left |
 Another view of the well |
 Stone over well and small basin |
 Well (right) and small reservoir (left) |
 Terracing |
 The two largest kilns at Sili |
 Stone wall of kiln |
 Fireplace hole of kiln |
 Another view of the kilns |
 Kilns (foreground) and terracing beyond |
 Overhead view of the two kilns |
 Terracing |
 View down the slope from the kilns |
 Higher level terracing with houses around perimeter of fields |
 Walled terracing with storage buildings in background |
 Impressive pattern of stone walls and stone buildings |
 Terracing with majestic mountains in background |
 Terracing |
 View up from terraces at houses, yanz |
 Abandoned oven (tannour) |
 Another view of the oven |
 Ovens? or just mud-dressed storage niches |
 Door on floor already littered with collapsed roof |
 Deadened nails on rear of door |
 Wooden door more than a meter inside the stone wall of this house |
 Detail of door |
 Detail of door |
 Doorway with soot staining the ceiling of the entranceway |
 Opening of chicken coop |
 Flattened stone for rolling bread |
 Grinding holes were made in stones in courtyards |
 Grinding stone in relation to house, courtyard |
 Coin shows relative size of this grinding stone |
 Another grinding stone |
 House featuring the deeply recessed doorway |
 Courtyard of house with deeply recessed doorway |
 Doorway |
 Collection of houses in a family compound |
 Different view of same family compound |
 View of houses and walls |
 Rare two-panel doorway |
 Note ventilation hole below eave on this house |
 Another house |
 House with massive door lintel, neat steps, inviting stoop |
 Placement of these stones a mystery |
 Houses were dark, cramped, uninviting |
 Items inside this house difficult to see in darkness |
 Metal strapping inside this door frame |
 Vertical strapping strengthening door, horizontal straps holding boards together |
 Door latch and lock |
 General view of the door |
 Magnificent house |
 Doorway of this house crowded by boulder |
 Most houses featured the stoop along the front wall suggesting a very social community |
 Detail of stonework in a wall surrounding summer sleeping area |
 Path from houses to one of the Sili reservoirs |
 Lower stretches of the path doubled as falaj |
 Brien inspecting wood covering reservoir |
 Spillway to direct overflow into small reservoir |
 Reservoir covered to prevent animals, windblown debris from falling into water |
 Clouds hiding the mountain tops |
 Hinges no longer supporting this door hanging from latch |
 Worms and/or termites have damaged this door |
 Doorway, stoop and chicken coop? (right) |
 View through doorway to thin exterior wall |
 Steps and neatly placed stones of bench suggest great care taken to prepare courtyards |
 Tumbling boulder incorporated into building |
 Rooftop (foreground) and terracing |
 Rooftop (foreground) and more terracing |
 Much of the site suggests it was an inhospitable place to live |
 Buildings disappear into the landscape |
 Walls used to channel water through the buildings |
 Walls and courtyard of a house that seems to have been used as a source of building material |
 Second reservoir |
 Second reservoir and small mud-lined basin |
 Another view of reservoir and basin |
 Different perspective of reservoir and basin |
 Below the settlement, a modern house and farm |
 With a little water, crops are plentiful |
 Another view of the new farm |
 Metal doors of house nearby showing two flay designs, one UAE, other unknown |